I have worked with Sue over a number of years, for personal healings, energetic cleansing of several houses, and even property searches to find the best area to live or the best time to sell. She was terrific and spot on every single time, and she always goes the extra mile to explain things and to suggest remedies if needed. Sue is a pleasure to work with, wonderfully reassuring and warm. Highly recommended!
KL UK and Portugal
Effectiveness of your healing is beyond contention……your pendulum has proved uncannily accurate. Thank you for helping me to regain my health when orthodox methods and many other complementary disciplines had failed
RG Surrey
Susan is patient, supportive and always goes the extra mile. Her passion for her work is demonstrated by exemplary results. It is my pleasure to highly recommend Susan.
LE New Zealand
I live in Malaysia and I got Susan's contact from my therapist.
Whenever I worked in my office, I felt an unexplainable heaviness and ended up feeling restless by the end of the day.
When Susan did the clearing, I was not around but I just asked my employees without telling them about the healing session My employees told me the mood had lifted and the team felt happy and productive, not like before.
When I came back, I rearranged the furniture according to what Susan advised and now I love going to office & feel so productive. It feels so much better.
SS Malaysia

Sue was extremely helpful in neutralising the extreme occult negative energies in a house that I purchased. It was an amazing case of voodoo worthy of a novel. She really cleared the negativity in the house and the results are palpable. I am equally grateful to Sue for the personal health healing work that we did together.
MM (Europe
Little by little I’m feeling better. You are a miracle worker Sue . I went in to have bloods
done as I felt that was sensible and guess what the liver function blood tests are normal
. So I feel you corrected that before I got jaundice again.
Thanks so much . Now I won’t need to go to stay in hospital again.
After weeks of return visits from the engineer trying unsuccessfully to get our internet to work I am happy to say that it is now working well since you gave our house a remote healing session! We have had
no further issues and this – really—is quite amazing!
GN Bucks
After my first ‘session’ I experienced immediate pain relief and was able to
sleep soundly for the first time in many weeks.
GK Illinois USA
After more than 10 years of perfume induced migraines (sometimes 2 a week);
of going home ill from work, or trying to avoid contact with people wearing
perfume or aftershave, I have now been migraine free for over a year since your
treatment. Thank you. I can now go out and enjoy myself without having to
Dr AB Derbyshire

I wanted to share some good news with you. I am happy to say after so many years of trying, I am now pregnant right after my second treatment with you. I am very grateful . Thank you so much.
We have quite an old house in Cornwall that has been attracting much negative
energy over the years , either through the people living here or from the land on
which it was built. This has resulted in several uncomfortable and often
disagreeable experiences which have made being here difficult.
We were so lucky to be introduced to Susan Scott Powell who has been a marvellous help in removing and clearing the negative energy both in and around the house, so that the whole atmosphere is now enormously improved.
It has also been interesting to find out what/who the energies were that have been so affecting us!
AW Cornwall
I have known Susan for some years and have been impressed with her
organising skills and the depth of her knowledge in her field. Indeed I am not the
only person to recognise her abilities as she was awarded the Merit Award by the
British Society of Dowsers in 2010. I would have no hesitation in recommending
Susan to anyone.
The house has felt much lighter and more peaceful since Sue addressed a
number of energetic issues there. She was very helpful and explained clearly to
us all she had done in layman terms. The result was a much calmer space to live
and work in.
KS Bucks
I just wanted to say thank you for the house healing and Feng Shui Consultation
last week. The house has changed massively over the last few days. I am
reluctant to go away on holiday now! The difference is amazing.
C C London
“I feel like a new person, relaxed and revitalised”.
ER London
I want to formally thank you for making such a positive impact on my life. The
clarity of your wisdom and knowledge of Feng Shui principles has allowed me to
make changes in areas that were once troubled. Life in our home now is so much
more balanced and harmonious. Financially, it just gets better and better. Your
conviction in what you believe in is an inspiration to all of us. Thank you from the
bottom of my heart for sharing your knowledge. I bless the day you walked
through our door.
LT Buckinghamshire
Sue advised us that we had four lines of geopathic stress affecting the house
and our lives. After Sue had treated these, we noticed an immediate change in
the feel of the house – it seemed to lift in some way. We then changed the
position of many items in the house and made a few small purchases and
positioned them “with intent,” as suggested.
The other changes took a little longer, probably about 3-4 weeks. The first
improvement was of a financial nature with our monthly bonus cheque increasing
by £1,500. It has since increased again. Sleeping patterns have improved for all
the family and relationships have also improved. My daughter’s business, which
she was setting up, has started with great prospects. We are still reaping the
S and NB Hampshire
I wanted to say thank you for your advice, kindness and treatments when I was
so desperate and at a very low ebb, after one month of suffering from chronic
back pain. The back pain has cleared completely. My physical and mental well
being generally are also much improved.
JS Milton Keynes
A belated thank you for my house healing – it didn’t look very “bad” (on the plans)
but the work you did…has had a remarkable effect. The whole house seems so
airy now. The words that popped into my head were “so now the angels can fly
around unimpeded”, and I guess we can substitute “chi” for “angels” quite
appropriately. It’s all very exciting.
CN Tring