Geopathic Stress

What is geopathic stress

Geopathic Stress (GS) can be defined as a disruption to (or distortion of) the Earth’s natural energy field causing harmful radiation to emanate from the Earth’s surface.





There may be natural causes such as underground streams and geological faults, or man-made causes such as railway lines and cuttings, motorways, tunnels and embankments, mines and quarries, steel pylons and signposts, old battlegrounds, tree felling, building foundations, or anywhere where the earth has been “punctured”.

Studies suggest that the following are indications of the presence of Geopathic Stress:


  • A feeling that the energy in your house is uncomfortable, heavy and oppressive.
  • Tired and exhausted but cannot really find the cause. Waking feeling unrefreshed often with a light-headedness, feeling cold, nightmares.
  • Arguments with other occupants of the house and disputes with your neighbours.
  • Areas in the garden where there is stunted or no growth of plants and trees.
  • Your business is in financial crisis.
  • Building deterioration, e.g. cracks in brickwork, electrical breakdowns, lightning strikes accident black spots.
  • Insomnia and restless sleep.
  • Children often bed wet and babies cry continuously.
  • Growth of ivy around the house and garden.
  • Difficulty in selling or letting your house.

Some environmental clues to indicate Geopathic Stress in the landscape:

Plants which love GS include, foxgloves, nightshades, medicinal herbs, elder trees, nettles and docks. Other plants include mushrooms, mistletoe, ivy and bindweed.

Fruit Trees and many other plants will suffer if they are planted on a GS line. Twisted or stunted growth and gaps in hedges may provide clues.

Most animals avoid GS especially birds. Owls, slugs and snails are all drawn to GS lines. Nests of bees, wasps and ants all provide an indication that GS may be present. Cats love GS and will actively seek it out.

We believe that dowsing with rods can determine the position of the lines and that detrimental energies can be transformed using dowsing on site or healing remotely from plans.

Studies and experience suggest that Geopathic Stress can make a building difficult to sell and businesses are less likely to thrive where Geopathic Stress is present.

More importantly these lines can be detrimental to health and steps should be taken to create a healthy home and environment by minimizing their effect.