What is Dowsing?
To dowse is to search, with the aid of simple handheld tools for that which is otherwise hidden from view or knowledge. It is a way of using a natural sensitivity which enables us to know things we cannot know by the use of the day to day brain or by learning, by experience or by the use of the five physical senses.

You may well have heard of “dowsing” or “divining” being used to find water, but dowsing is used for many other things, such as in the search for oil, mineral deposits, archaeological searches finding missing objects and in helping people to regain their health.
Health practitioners use dowsing to indicate the nature of illness, allergies and intolerances and required remedies.
Dowsing can be carried out at a distance, and this faculty is frequently used by those practitioners using dowsing in the area of health when they are able to dowse for causative factors and suitable remedies at a distance from the patient using a photograph or house plans on which to focus their attention.
Dowsing Rods and Pendulums Today Dowsing for over 40 years

I have been dowsing for over 40 years and am experienced in the use of a pendulum, dowsing rods and other dowsing tools. I am on the Professional Register of the British Society of Dowsers.
I use dowsing primarily to determine priorities for health treatment and to advise on detrimental energy lines which may be present in the house or workplace.
Workshops and teaching sessions are organised from time to time.
The Thames Valley Dowsing Group
In 2005 I set up the Thames Valley Dowsing Group
We meet for talks on a monthly basis and for other field trips and events. We also join with other dowsing groups to provide monthly zoom talks which are dowsing or energy related. In this way we are able to access a variety of worldwide speakers. We have a varied and exciting programme and welcome new members including beginners. TVD is affiliated to the British Society of Dowsers.
Please email me for details.chair@thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk
See also www.thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk